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CC BY-SA 4.0

This workshop is an introduction to data visualization in Julia using AlgebraOfGraphics.jl. It covers the following topics:

  • AlgebraOfGraphics.jl syntax.
  • Advanced mapping options.
    • Use visual elements such as coloring and marker style to encode additional variables.
    • Faceting.
  • Geometries and statistical visualizations.
    • Scatter plots, line plots, bar plots, error bars, box plots, and violin plots.
    • Histograms, linear regression, smoothing curves, etc.
  • Grammar of graphics: use * and + to combine and superimpose layers.
  • Plot customization.


We recommend users being familiar with Julia syntax, especially variables and types.

The formal requirements are the Julia Syntax Workshop and its pre-requisites.


Time (HH:MM) Activity Description
00:00 Setup Download files required for the workshop
00:05 Overview Showcase 01-layers.jl
00:15 Mappings Showcase 02-mappings.jl
00:30 Geometries Showcase 03-geometries.jl
00:40 Grammar of graphics Showcase 04-algebra.jl
01:10 Plot customization Showcase 05-customization.jl
01:20 Closing remarks See if there are any questions and feedback

Get in touch

If you have any suggestions or want to get in touch with our education team, please send an email to



This content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

CC BY-SA 4.0