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Reference Sheet

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Key Points

  • Before reading or writing data, make sure that you are in the correct directory. You can check the present working directory with the pwd function, and you can navigate to another directory using cd.
  • You can enter the shell> mode in the REPL by typing ;, which enables you to execute system shell commands (e.g., pwd, cd, mkdir, etc.).
  • There are various data formats, but CSV is one of the most commonly used formats.
  • To read a CSV file, you can use the function, and to create or write a CSV file, you can use the CSV.write function.
  • The function takes two arguments: a file path and a sink. In most cases, you will use DataFrame as the sink.
  • The rename function allows you to change the column names of a DataFrame.
  • In some cases, CSV files may not use commas for separation. If that is the case, you can use the delim keyword argument to specify the character used in your file.
  • In some regions, commas are used to separate decimals instead of dots (e.g., 3,14 instead of 3.14). In such cases, columns containing Floats will be interpreted as Strings. To avoid this, you can use the decimal keyword argument.
  • The XLSX.jl package enables reading and writing of Excel files (.xlsx). To read a file, you can use the XLSX.readtable function, and to write a file, you can use XLSX.writetable.
  • When using XLSX.readtable, you need to specify the sheet you want to read from since Excel files can have multiple sheets. If you are unsure about the sheets in the Excel file, you can use XLSX.readxlsx and XLSX.sheetnames to obtain a Vector containing all the sheet names.
  • SAS files (.sasb7dat and .xpt) can be read using the readstat function provided by the ReadStatTables.jl package.
  • Currently, ReadStatTables.jl only supports reading files. Write support is experimental and not fully developed.
  • You can read and write files from different locations by providing the full or relative path instead of just the file name. For more information on specifying robust and complex file paths, refer to the Filesystem section in the Julia documentation.
  • To obtain a Vector with all the column names of a DataFrame, you can use the names function. This is particularly useful when examining DataFrames with a large number of columns.
  • DataFramesMeta.jl imports DataFrames.jl, allowing you to import only DataFramesMeta.jl and still have access to the functions from DataFrames.jl.
  • You can select a group of columns from a DataFrame using the @select macro provided by DataFramesMeta.jl.
  • Instead of specifying which columns you want to select, you can specify the columns that you don't want to select using the Not operator, which need to be called with $() (e.g. @select <DataFrame> $(Not(column_name))).
  • You can select the rows in a DataFrame that satisfy a condition using the @[r]subset macro.
  • The row version of a DataFramesMeta.jl macro can be accessed by adding an r before the macro name (e.g., @rsubset, @rtransform, etc.). These versions are useful as they eliminate the need to broadcast all operations inside the call, but there are cases where it is not possible to do so.
  • To remove rows that have missing values in a column, you can use @rsubset <DataFrame> !ismissing(:column_name).
  • The @[r]transform macro allows you to create a new column or modify an existing one.
  • The @astable macro enables access to intermediate calculations within a DataFramesMeta.jl macro call and allows operations on multiple columns simultaneously.
  • By appending ! at the end of a macro call (e.g., @[r]transform! or select!), you can modify the original DataFrame instead of creating a new one.
  • The groupby function is used to group data in a DataFrame based on specific columns. When used together with @combine, it enables applying operations on grouped data and generating new aggregated results.
  • The @by macro provides a concise alternative to using groupby and @combine. It allows grouping data and applying operations in a single call.
  • Including length(:column) in a @combine or @by call will return the number of rows in each grouped DataFrame as part of the aggregated results. The column name used does not affect the results.
  • You can perform all your data wrangling operations in a single block using @chain. This block can include both DataFramesMeta.jl macros and functions such as rename. Additionally, @chain passes the DataFrame as an argument to every function and macro call. For example, inside a @chain block, you can write @groupby <column> instead of @groupby <DataFrame> <column>.

Summary of Basic Commands

Action Command Observations
Get the current working directory pwd() Equivalent to running pwd in the shell
Change the current working directory cd(<path>) Equivalent to running cd <path> in the shell
Enter the shell> mode in the Julia REPL Type ; in the REPL
Read a CSV file<filepath>, <sink>) The sink argument will be a DataFrame most of the time
Write a CSV file CSV.write(<filepath>, <DataFrame>)
Change the column names rename(<DataFrame>, <Dict>) or rename(<function>, <DataFrame>) Using the function version can be useful to apply the same type of change to all the columns in the DataFrame
Read an Excel file DataFrame(XLSX.readtable(<filepath>, <sheet>))
Write an Excel file XLSX.writetable(<filepath>, <DataFrame>)
Inspect the sheet names of an Excel file XLSX.readxlsx(<filepath>) and XLSX.sheetnames(<result of readxlsx>) (optional) The result of XLSX.readxlsx will print a table containing the sheet names. You can optionally then run XLSX.sheetnames on the result of readxlsx to get a Vector with all the sheet names
Read a SAS file (.sasb7dat and .xpt) DataFrame(readstat(<filepath>))
Get the column names of a DataFrame names(<DataFrame>)
Get the values from a DataFrame's column DataFrame.column_name, DataFrame[!, column_name] or DataFrame[:, column_name] The dot syntax is more readable and easier to type, but the indexing syntax could be more intuitive for some users. Using : when indexing returns a copy of the column, while using ! returns the original column from the DataFrame (you could use the result of indexing with ! to modify the source DataFrame)
Select one or more columns from a DataFrame @select <DataFrame> column1 column2 ... Can also be done through indexing, but the @select macro is more convenient and expressive
Use the row version of a DataFramesMeta.jl macro @r<macro> (e.g @rsubset, @rtransform, etc.)
Filter rows in a DataFrame using a boolean expression @[r]subset <DataFrame> <expression>
Determine whether a variable is of Type Missing ismissing(<var>) Can be used with @[r]subset to remove missing values from a DataFrame
Create or modify a column @[r]transform <DataFrame> <expression> The expression is written in the assignment form (e.g. :column_name = <column value>). If you want to create a new column, then the assignment should be for a column name that doesn't exist in the DataFrame. If you use an existing column name, @[r]transform will modify that column.
Access intermediate calculations and manipulate multiple columns at the same time Include @astable inside a macro call Should be included before the expressions corresponding to the macro call (e.g. @[r]transform <DataFrame> @astable <expression>)
Use the in-place (mutating) version of a macro Add ! add the end (e.g @[r]transform!) This will apply the changes to the original DataFrame, instead of creating a new one
Group data in a DataFrame according to one or more columns groupby(<DataFrame>, <columns>) If you want to use more than one column, <columns> should be a Vector of column names
Apply operations on a grouped DataFrame to create aggregated results @combine <DataFrame> <expressions>
Group a DataFrame and apply operations to create aggregated results @by <DataFrame> <grouping columns> <expressions> It is equivalent to groupby(<DataFrame>, <grouping columns>) and then @combine <grouped DataFrame> <expessions>
Perform all data wrangling operations in a single block @chain <DataFrame> <block> It is not necessary to pass the DataFrame as an argument to the macros and functions used inside of the @chain block


CSV files

CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values. It is a popular file format that uses lines to represent rows (observations) and commas (,) to separate values (although other characters such as ; can also be used).

Sink (from

It is the second positional argument from and is used to specify where to store or materialize the parsed data from the CSV file. Most of the time you will want to set use a DataFrame (<filename>, DataFrame))


Excel is a widely used spreadsheet program developed by Microsoft. Excel files typically have the .xls and .xlsx extensions, but the .xlsx extension should be preferred.

SAS data files

Data format used and created by the SAS statistical software. They come in two common extensions: .sas7bdat and .xpt. These files can be read in Julia using the ReadStatTables.jl package.


DataFrames are a versatile and widely used data structure that represents tabular data. You can use them in Julia through the DataFrames.jl package.


Julia package that allows working with DataFrames in Julia. It has a similar design and functionality to other well-known packages such as pandas from Python or dplyr from R.


A powerful package in Julia that extends the functionality of DataFrames.jl, enabling advanced data manipulation and transformation. It provides a concise and expressive syntax for defining data transformations through the use of macros.

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