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Reference Sheet

CC BY-SA 4.0

Key Points

  • You can parse a NM-TRAN-formatted DataFrame into a Population with read_pumas
  • A Population is just a collection (Vector) of Subjects
  • You can slice and index Populations to get another Population subset or a single Subject
  • You can reconstruct a NM-TRAN-formatted DataFrame from a Population/Subject with the DataFrame constructor
  • To define a model in Pumas, you use the @model macro along with the model blocks:
    • @metadata for model metadata such as description and time units
    • @param for the population parameters (i.e. typical values or fixed effects)
    • @random for the subject-specific parameters (η or random effects)
    • @covariates for subject covariates
    • @pre for pre computations such as individual coefficients or any other statistical transformation
    • @dynamics for the model dynamics, either as an analytical solution or a system of ordinary differential equations
    • @derived for derived variables and error model
  • In the @model you can have two types of assignments:
    • Deterministic assignments with =
    • Probabilistic assignments with ~
  • The fit function is very flexible, it has 4 positional arguments:
    1. model: which model to fit
    2. population: which population to fit
    3. initial_parameters: a NamedTuple of initial parameter estimates
    4. estimation_method: which estimation method to use; for maximum likelihood: FOCE, NaivePooled, and LaplaceI are the most common
  • Additionally, the fit function has the following most used keyword arguments:
    • constantcoef: if you want to set any parameter value to a constant value, similar to FIX in NONMEM
    • omegas: a tuple with the value of the "omegas" in the @param block, needed for NaivePooled estimation method
  • All results from the fit function can be converted to a:
    • NamedTuple with coef
    • DataFrame with coeftable
  • You can extract individual coefficients with the icoef function, if you want in a DataFrame format use the DataFrame constructor on the result
  • The infer function can be used to generate confidence intervals using:
    • Variance-covariance matrix (default)
    • Bootstrap with a second argument Pumas.Bootstrap()
    • Sampling importance resampling (SIR) with a second argument Pumas.SIR()
  • All results from the infer function can be converted to a DataFrame with coeftable

Summary of Basic Commands

Action Command Observations
Parse data into a Population read_pumas NM-TRAN-formatted DataFrames
Index or slice a Population pop[1] or pop[1:10]
Reconstruct data from a Population DataFrame(pop) NM-TRAN-formatted DataFrames
Reconstruct data from a index or slice Population DataFrame(pop[1]) or DataFrame(pop[1:10]) NM-TRAN-formatted DataFrames
Define a model @model
Define model metadata @metadata
Define the population parameters of a model @param
Define the subject-specific parameters of a model @random
Define the subject covariates @covariates
Define individual coefficients, precomputations or any statistical transformation @pre
Define model dynamics @dynamics
Define model derived variables and error model @derived
Fit a model using FOCE() fit(model, population, initial_parameters, FOCE()) initial_parameters is a NamedTuple of parameter name and values
Fit a model using NaivePooled fit(model, population, initial_parameters, NaivePooled(); omegas=(:Ω,)) omegas is a keyword argument that should be a tuple specifying the variable name where the Ωs are defined in the model
Fit a model using FOCE() with fixed parameter values fit(model, population, initial_parameters, FOCE(); constantcoef=(; parameter=value)) constantcoef is a keyword argument that should be a NamedTuple specifying the parameter name along with the value to be fixed
Get model fit coefficients as a NamedTuple coef(fit_result)
Get model fit coefficients as a DataFrame coeftable(fit_result)
Get model individual parameters as a DataFrame DataFrame(icoef(fit_result))
Calculate confidence intervals using the Variance-covariance matrix infer(fit_result) Uses the sandwich estimator by default
Calculate confidence intervals using bootstrap infer(fit_result, Pumas.Bootstrap()) Perform 200 samples by default
Calculate confidence intervals using sampling importance resampling (SIR) infer(fit_result, SIR()) User needs to specify the number of samples and resamples, i.e. there aren't default values
Get model confidence intervals as a DataFrame coeftable(infer_result)



Official NONMEM dataset format. Check Pumas documentation on Data Representation for more information.


A tabular data format from the package DataFrames.jl. It is the standard tabular data format in Julia and is present in the Pumas app.


Pumas' representation of a collection of Subjects. Generally parsed from NM-TRAN-formatted DataFrames.


Contiguous data structure that allows ordering, indexing, looping, slicing, and shape-destructing operations, i.e. grow or shrink. Most used to group elements into a collection.


Pumas' representation of a subject that has covariates, time, events, observations, and any other relevant information.


how users define models in Pumas, it allows for several other blocks inside. The syntax is similar to NONMEM model specification, but with higher flexibility and expressiveness.


@model block with additional details such as model description and model time units.


@model block for the population parameters. Analogous to NONMEM's $THETA, $OMEGA, and $SIGMA.


@model block for the subject-specific parameters, also known as η or random effects.


@model block for subject covariates.


@model block for pre computations such as individual coefficients or any other statistical transformation. Analogous to NONMEM's $PK.

@model block for the model dynamics, either as an analytical solution or a system of ordinary differential equations. Analogous to NONMEM's $DES.

@model block for derived variables and error model. Analogous to NONMEM's $ERROR.

Deterministic assignments

assignments that will always return the same value. The standard assignment operator in programming languages, e.g. x=1 or y="hello".

Probabilistic assignments

An assignment operator that instead of returning the same value, samples a random value under a distribution. For example, x ~ Normal(0, 1) will generate a new value sampled from a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1 every time it is executed.


Mathematical representation of the underlying process regarding a certain phenomena.


Condition the data into the model and infer the model's parameter values by an estimation method.


Estimation method originally from NONMEM, it means First Order Conditional Effects. Please refer to the Pumas documentation for more details.

Naive Pooled

Estimation method that ignores subject-specific parameters relying only on population parameters. Please refer to the Pumas documentation for more details.


Estimation method that uses Laplacian approximation under the hood. Please refer to the Pumas documentation for more details.


The covariance matrix of the subject-specific parameters. Commonly referred to as the "Omega" matrix.


The individual subject-specific parameters. Commonly referred to as "etas". Generally a vector for each subject, e.g. η = [η₁, η₂].


Individual coefficients, also known as subject-specific parameters.

Confidence intervals

Commonly used procedure to measure uncertainty on parameter estimates in maximum likelihood estimation methods.

Variance-covariance matrix

A symmetric matrix with NxN dimensions where N is the number of parameters, the diagonals are the parameter variances, and the symmetric off-diagonal elements are the covariance between the parameter in the ith row and the parameter in the j row.

Sandwich estimator

Commonly used procedure to generate a Variance-covariance matrix from pharmacometrics model fit.


Alternative way to calculate confidence intervals by fitting the model to N bootstrapped samples, that are generated by sampling with replacement the original sample a new sample with the same size as the original.

Sampling importance resampling (SIR)

Alternative way to calculate confidence intervals that rely on the importance sampling procedure.

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